Having secured the virtual paradise of Bahamas.co, domain entrepreneur and investor, Elliot Silver announced today that very soon he will be offering several islands for sale.
The 29 island constellation off the Florida coast is a major tourist attraction.
Elliot plans to create the virtual equivalent of a luxury web-surfing destination and informational web site for the Bahamas at Bahamas.co
“I believe that by offering several virtual islands for sale, a lot of entrepreneurs will seize the unique opportunity to invest in my project. For example, Andros.Bahamas.co would be ideal for hoteliers while Eleuthera.Bahamas.co would be perfect for offshore bankers”, said Elliot pointing on a gigantic map of the Bahamas.
With 29 (virtual) islands, Bahamas.co will soon flourish into the biggest informational destination of the (virtual) Bahamas and the entire Caribbean.
Elliot’s company – Silver Internet Ventures, LLC – joins the growing ranks of organizations and individuals who have already committed to the new .CO domain, including major global brands and Fortune 500 companies such as BMW, Cartier, Facebook, Google, Hilton, Overstock, Panasonic, and innovative media companies and startups like Twitter, Politico, Angel List, Challenge.co, and more.
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With all this sarcasm, it is interesting noone has commented until now.
The only thing I can say is that it makes sense to report this and have a little fun altohugh I know acro made some bucks for the logo.
Juegos – Far from being sarcastic; this is the light side of domaining 😀 A lot of our ideas and suggestions are often seen with a positive eye by other domain entrepreneurs.
The site has lost ton of traffic over the last few months (according to compete).
.co is dead dead dead……….