Eye on #ICANN : Twitter account holding 2017 spenders accountable

Whoever operates the Twitter account, @EyeOnICANN, is keeping an eye on the 2017 spending by ICANN, disseminating the data.

In recent weeks, Domain Incite noted that with a budget of $143 million dollars, ICANN is “running out of cash,” as the 2017 budgetary expenses exceeded $126 million dollars.

Now, EyeOnICANN is taking the official travel expense numbers as provided by ICANN, and breaks down the data according to who spent the most in trips:

In 2017, #ICANN spent $3.3 million for people to attend the 3 meetings. An increase of $800,000 from 2016. We took a look at the numbers found at https://community.icann.org/display/trvlconstit/Travel+Report

The $3.3 mil in #ICANN travel spend does not include pay for travel to other conferences such as #IGF2017, #WSIS and others they sponsor.

Nor does the 2017 #ICANN travel spend include Board Members or staff, dozens of which were at #IGF2017

#ICANN paid for over 650 different people to attend #ICANN58 #ICANN59 or #ICANN60. A 30% increase over 2016.

69 people received more than $10,000 from #ICANN to travel to meetings in 2017. Up from 54 in 2016.

$435,000+ spent on GAC for travel to 3 meetings. If only someone within #ICANN org had a Prime account, Amazon would do it for free.

#ICANN spent $540,000 on travel for Fellows in 2017. But if you break it down on a per question asked at Public Forum basis, it’s quite reasonable.

Almost $90k to send “Technical Experts/Liaison Group” to 3 #ICANN meetings in 2017. Still no clue what they do. What they don’t do is economy class.

Recently, we opined that pushing for ICANN61 in Puerto Rico in March, goes against the current state of the island’s economy.

For the 2017 ICANN travel expense details and to see who spent the most on trips covered by the ICANN budget, click here.

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