Fashion report: Brooks Brothers domain campaign goes live during ICANN 50 in London

Brooks Brothers, the premium clothiers firm established in 1818 in the United States, has taken a new approach for its Autumn 2014 catalog.

Featuring domainers, a niche market that requires comfortable yet fashionable clothing at domain conferences, Brooks Brothers delivers a clothing line that will satisfy all generations, including X, Y and Z.

“The simplest form of our line, the cotton shirt, has been adapted to deliver comfort and splendid quality, when paired with slightly faded jeans and shoes made from wild hog leather,” said the company campaign manager, Tommy Bandana.

“Domainers are demanding in their choice of apparel, and we strive to offer quality garments that can withstand even the heaviest alcohol consumption during domain conference after-parties,” added Bandana.

The tagline, “Catering to Domainers since 1896“, is a tongue-in-cheek attempt to show how far domain investing has come; naturally, there were no domain investors a century ago, although Rick Schwartz might claim otherwise.

With ICANN 50 in London ready to begin, the first Brooks Brothers campaign features Ammar Kubba as a central part of its ad, with other prominent domainers to follow.

We cannot wait!

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