Greetings and salutations on this wonderful Sunday morning, my brothers and sisters in domaining. This is Father Domainicus, and as I’ve done for most Sundays and times of anguish and pain, I am here for you.
This sermon is about followship, it’s about the Holidays – or holy days, as the original form was.
It is a time of giving, not receiving.
Despite teaching young kids that all they should expect from Christmas is gifts and presents, once they find out that the boozed up, ample-sized guy in a tight red uniform sporting a cotton beard was not truly Santa, they become disappointed and disillusioned about the true meaning and spirit of the Holidays.
Why feed the children this fib, I wonder, when we can teach them how to offer gifts instead, this Holiday season?
I understand, that Santa Klaus is a universal, cross-religious icon, but in its current visual incarnation he is the creation of Coca Cola in order to sell more of its cold, fizzy, bubble-bottled beverage during the Holidays.
On the subject of followship, I noticed that even his Holiness the Pope, follows 7 people on Twitter. They are all localized, geo-accounts of the Holy See, but still my argument holds water, albeit not holy.
Where was I?
Yes, give more during this Holiday season, than what you expect to receive. Due to the fiscal cliff and the bad economy, you must adjust your expectations of receiving – it’s the proper thing to do.
I leave you with a fatherly kiss on both cheeks and a promise to return next week.
~Father Domainicus.
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Folks, forget about that brand new 112″ TV, or some stupid electronic gadgets that you KNOW you don’t NEED but you are succumb to those fake seductive Ads….
Donate your money to your local Food Bank- everyone needs to EAT!!
For every dollar you donate, they can feed 8 families.
BullS – You are a good man, and smart too! As we know, above 100 inches, TV’s can’t cope with 1080p in full HD. So truly they are a waste of money. Bravo, sir! 😀
1 buck feed 8 families ??? really …wholeday eating Holy bread…