Ghost domain “sells” for $111,300 on Sedo’s GreatDomains!

It’s incredible: the domain name is listed on the home page, under the “Recently Sold” section.


Only problem is, the domain is currently unregistered. Not only that, but is also unregistered as well.


Clearly a mistake by the Sedo outfit of GreatDomains 😀

Edit: Sedo confirmed that it’s an error, a portfolio of numeric domains was sold for this much; that’s *not* for the domain though which is clearly a glitch 😀

NumericPortfolio - an unregistered domain - appears to have sold for $111,300 on GreatDomains!

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6 Responses to “Ghost domain “sells” for $111,300 on Sedo’s GreatDomains!”
  1. Jamie Zoch says:

    The 2 indicates the second payment… because last week I saw $50K+ ($51K or $53K.. forgot) using a similar term.

    I contacted Sedo several times about reporting domains like that and they said they have fixed it. Clearly not. LOL

  2. If they could sell unregistered names that would be a big news.

  3. WeBuyThe.Com says:

    They aren’t unregistered any more!!

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says: – That’s hilarious! 😀 What dumbasses 😀

  5. Bobby says:


  6. Bobby says:

    meant NumericPortfolio.Info

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