Bob Parsons built an empire by being frugal.
A very upset Bob Parsons lashed out at “opportunistic domainers” and “cheapskate folks“, earlier this morning.
The founder and former CEO of GoDaddy, visibly dejected by the ability of some domain investors to max out a promotional Groupon offer, is still on the GoDaddy board of directors.
“G*d damn it, do I look like an idiot, trying to steal from me? It was 1 coupon per person per visit, not three dozen g*d damn coupons!” exclaimed the former US Marine.
“So you think it’s g*d damn cool to take GoDaddy money and try to fool us?” he added.
As leaked on several domain blogs, the Groupon code allowed many crafty domainers to make up to 40 purchases, and use the coupon in combination with 99 cent registrations; for as little as 25 cents and reaping dozens of domains.
This mass domain registration apparently hurt GoDaddy in the financial gonads, something particularly important due to the pending fiscal cliff and current bad economy.
GoDaddy now wants to reverse these coupons and they are holding a meeting first thing on Monday, last day of the year, to make a decision. It is expected to be a very intense discussion.
The coupons expire at the end of February, 2013.
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F U ….you blocked me from buying more.
sending you my big fat finger.
DG– too bad you did not have the affiliate link.
Thanks to JasonThompson…you get my money.
Lol! Great article!
Thanks, Jason
Bob actually never made those statements, but if he could, he would have 
And here’s where it all started:
HA! The joke is on those people who try to RENEW domains with Godaddy. They have the worst renewal rates going. So the joke is on those who thought they got “40” domains for $40 or so dollars because when it comes time to renew, and they’ll certainly not want their domains to expire(!), they’ll be forking several hundreds of dollars.
And, second, shame on GD for not foreseeing this and coding a block for this on their online system. Its incredibly easy to do that.
@DomainGang …. I like how you linked to a thread started ONE DAY after the SD thread…. http://slickdeals.net/f/5747158-GoDaddy-25-for-70-store-credit-or-10-for-30-29-off-Groupon?
Jo – GoDaddy uses special pricing for customers that have reps there, and coupon codes are issued year-round. Also, what’s wrong with $4 or even $2 pricing? It’s more than 50% off. Agreed on the restrictions that weren’t in place.
Joseph – I don’t operate the Internet, so I wasn’t able to know. Thanks for the link.
I don’t think the joke is on people a year later renewing. If you want the domain, then you’re going to renew it one way or the other. I think you’re foolish for thinking people are dumb.
Godaddy did actually reverse my groupon codes in my account tonite… Not sure who to contact. Only one code the rest invalidated.
This article forgot to mention something very significant. Godaddy changed the terms of the deal on January 1st, and added the line “Limit 1 code per GoDaddy.com account”. This did NOT exist in the terms of the Groupon deal before January 1st.
Joe – Although this article is a parody, I can assure you that on December 29th that I bought my Groupon, the “Limit 1 code per GoDaddy.com” line exists in the PDF.
Funny how those that tried to screw GoDaddy ended up being screwed up by their own greed.
Then they must have changed it on the 29th because all of those that we purchased (and downloaded) on the 28th do not show that new line in the terms – we have all of the voucher PDFs downloaded as proof. Not a single one shows it.
And I don’t think that everyone was doing this with the sole purpose of screwing Godaddy (although I’m sure there are some that did).
The “Limit 1 code per GoDaddy.com account” was added sometime after the 28th. I have screenshots showing pre & post changes for 4 cities.
Steve/Joe – No matter when it was added, the terms are present in every PDF of Groupons purchased. In other words, you assumed that the terms were the same, so why blame GoDaddy or Groupon when you didn’t read the terms and conditions?
Note sure I follow – I wrote that I have original PDFs that do not have the line about the Godaddy account limit in it – I don’t see how I am assuming anything – I read the terms pre-purchase, it wasn’t there. I read the terms on the PDFs, it wasn’t there. Then, days later, the terms were added to the still-active Groupon purchase pages, and suddenly any downloaded PDF voucher, no matter when purchased, had the Godaddy account limit added – I re-downloaded a couple and compared them side by side to the originals from before. I also didn’t lay blame on anyone for anything in my posts – I am simply pointing out that the terms were changed, plain and simple. This wasn’t imagined – it happened.