Google stock skyrockets!

Google controls people's minds, currently.

Google controls people’s minds, currently.

Google stock reached new astronomical heights yesterday, after breaking through the $1,200 barrier – a figure once reserved for precious metals and commodities, such as gold and platinum. The Dow Jones industrial average jumped past 27,180 for the first time ever.

“Uh, where is your claim of a bad economy?” asked the president Barack Obama, live from New York’s SNL. “Uh, I guess I will have to approve the Internet Sales Tax after all, “ he added.

The stratospheric trajectory of Google is in part due to the company’s recent implementation of “Kuso Panda 4.0” that tackles AdSense fund dispersion across parked domains.

“Google stock will continue to rise as long as there are fools out there utilizing the services of this Big Brother digital brothel,” said Kim Samangamian, VIP of Bing – a Microsoft company.

“With Bing, we are not sacrificing results for any monetary reasons; Microsoft and Bing are not after your money, as we own your operating systems already,” added Samangamian.

Domain investors that are willing to experiment with a bit of stock market exchange, are expected to lose the proverbial shirt off their backs, as Google stock is impossible to own; a single share costs as much as a mortgage payment.

Bing stock performance and market share are expected to surpass that of Google in the not so distant future; however, at a different dimension, where Microsoft controls people’s minds and all keyboard taps.


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