ICANN 76 in Cancun preview

As the sun set over the beautiful beaches of Cancun, Mexico, the ICANN team gathered at the luxurious Hotel Maya to kick off their annual domain convention, ICANN 76.

The attendees were eager to discuss the latest and greatest in the world of gTLDs, and they were also looking forward to indulging in the delicious Mexican cuisine and drinks.

As they settled into their seats, the ICANN president, Göran Marby, took the stage to address the crowd.

“Welcome, everyone, to the ICANN domain convention in Cancun! We have a packed agenda this year, with many exciting new gTLDs to discuss and debate. But before we get started, let’s take a moment to appreciate the incredible food and drinks that our hosts have prepared for us.”

The attendees cheered and clapped as a parade of waiters entered the room carrying tray after tray of delicious Mexican dishes – from tacos and burritos to enchiladas and quesadillas. There were also bowls of colorful salsas, guacamole, and chips, as well as pitchers of refreshing margaritas and cervezas.

As everyone dug into the delicious food, the ICANN team started their presentations, showcasing the latest and most innovative gTLDs that they had been working on.

“First up, we have the ‘.food’ gTLD, which is perfect for restaurants, food blogs, and any other website related to food and drink,” said Göran Marby, as a slide displaying the ‘.food’ logo appeared on the screen.

The attendees nodded in agreement, munching on their tacos and sipping their margaritas.

“Next, we have the ‘.drink’ gTLD, which is perfect for bars, breweries, and any other website related to beverages,” continued Göran Marby, as the ‘.drink’ logo appeared on the screen.

The attendees cheered, raising their glasses in a toast to the new gTLDs.

“And finally, we have the ‘.cancun’ gTLD, which is perfect for businesses and organizations in Cancun, or for anyone looking to showcase the beauty and culture of this incredible city,” said Göran Marby, as the ‘.cancun’ logo appeared on the screen.

The attendees clapped and cheered, excited about the potential of these new gTLDs.

As the presentations wrapped up, the ICANN team continued to enjoy the delicious Mexican food and drinks, discussing and debating the new gTLDs and their potential impact on the world of domains.

It was shaping up to be a successful and delicious ICANN 76 convention in Cancun, and everyone was looking forward to more exciting discussions and debates in the days ahead.

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