ICANN57 is underway in Hyperabad, India, and a recent fire cost ICANN $700,000 dollars due to a case of corporate inefficiency.
According to the ICANN blog, a fire broke aboard the ship which contained the packed equipment being shipped from Helsinki, Finland to Hyderabad, India.
A 20ft container with ICANN gear heading to India, was damaged; in order to replace and re-ship these items, ICANN spent more money, for a total $700,000 dollars.
What was in these containers? ICANN disclosed a partial list:
“80+ crates containing over five miles of network cables, over 400 microphones, 650 international power strips, 75 MacBooks. We were preparing to get 800 mbps of bandwidth, at least two Internet service providers with redundant paths, and more.”
So apparently, audiovisual quipment, network cables and power boards that could be easily sourced in India, had to be shipped from another continent.
That’s the epitome of corporate inefficiency, as India is a major producer and exporter of technology.
Perhaps ICANN should try holding their meetings at the same place every year, if they cannot coordinate sourcing equipment from the local country in cases of emergency.
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