It’s Mardi Gras, and my dentist thanks Directnic!

It’s Mardi Gras, baby! πŸ˜€

Get your fancy carnival costumes on, grab some dirty drinks and celebrate the fine partying that arrives this time of the year, like clockwork.

Louisiana based domain registrar, Directnic, wants to keep everyone happy and they passed on the spirit of Mardi Gras with a humongous box of King Cake, made by Manny Randazzo in Louisiana.

First of all, let me tell you: it made the postman cussing up a storm, like a Tampa Bay sailor, it was *that* heavy.

Opening the box was easy, but eating up the cake was a challenge. So we had to start somewhere.

All I know is, that my dentist will have a field day a few days from now, as sugar levels shot up, so brush your teeth!

But it was worth it! πŸ˜€ Thank you, Directnic!

Many thanks also to Mike Robertson for making sure diabetes remains a potential end of life event for us domainers! πŸ˜€

Note: Directnic is a premium sponsor of They insisted that we receive this King Cake and we could not say no. Delicious!

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2 Responses to “It’s Mardi Gras, and my dentist thanks Directnic!”
  1. It probably should have come with a warning, “May cause diabetes” hahaha
    Enjoy… and thanks again for your support!

  2. DomainGang says:

    Mike – It was terribly delicious πŸ˜› Now I need to do a dozen 10k walks!

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