In what appears to be the fastest drop in domain investment valuation, “Liz Truss” domains have dropped from millions of pounds down to zero.
Resigning after just 44 days as Great Britain’s Prime Minister, Liz Truss has thoroughly eliminated all hopes and expectations for dozens of domain brand squatters in the UK.
“This is worse than NFT and Eth dropping like bricks from the sky, mate,” exclaimed British domain investor Andy Purrvert from Sussex.
“It’s bloody awful, seeing Liz Truss quit on us Britons like that, mate, it’s bloody awful for the domain economy as well,” added Andy Purrvert, heading to the local pub for a few pints.
It’s safe to say that domains with Liz Truss or Elizabeth Truss are now worth one a penny, two a penny in the British domain aftermarket. British domain investors are now eager to place their bets on the next Prime Minister.
Where is Tony Blair when you need him?
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