Minds+Machines: Dot .com memorial service to be held this Sunday

Minds+Machines, one of the biggest investors in the gTLD namespace, is upping its ante with an aggressive marketing promotion geared towards domain investors, and indecisive end-user buyers alike.

The Dot .com funeral will be attended by its children, the gTLDs.

The Dot .com funeral will be attended by its children, the gTLDs.

After announcing the “death of dot .com” on a Facebook ad, a funeral ceremony will take place this coming Sunday.

“We are not disrespecting the body of dot .com, and we are prepared to give it proper attribution and a beautiful burial,” said Minds+Machines spokesperson, Fanny Tite.

“The extraordinary lifespan of a TLD will be honored and remembered by its children that will continue its legacy for years to come,” added Tite.

The memorial service for the Dot .com will be held in Reston, Virginia – location of the Verisign headquarters.

Minds+Machines are asking that instead of wreaths, domain investors please donate to the Dead Domainer memorial fund.


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2 Responses to “Minds+Machines: Dot .com memorial service to be held this Sunday”
  1. Mark Hershiser says:

    You always make me laugh, thanks for that…

  2. Mary Jo Rohner says:

    I feel they are doing this, so people let the dot coms go and they can then be put to auction at a high price. I get 10 inquires a day for a dot com! Dot Com is not dead, it is still King! I feel this is a trick.

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