Name and shame: Spammers raiding Internet Traffic domains –

Phuck all spammers.

Phuck all spammers.

The contact form for domains parked at Internet Traffic, is often used by unscrupulous spammers advertising their warez or services.

Beginning a new “name and shame” series today about those scumbags that submit offers along with their spam emails.

We will be naming and shaming those that are being promoted and let them resolve the issue with the pricks that sent the spam out in the first place.

An Indonesian scummer from the IP from Jakarta/Indonesia sent the following spam via the contact form of a domain parked at Internet Traffic:

Relax And Enjoy Our Heritage Spa.

This Place is best!.
This is a massage I can afford to come to very often.
Visit our website:

You leave feeling very relaxed.
The place is very clean and quiet.
Good luck!

Nia Kurniawati
Nia72Hyun – Supervisor

Looks like the web site operators are:

Bali Heritage Reflexology & Spa
Akbar Temmuyin
Jl. Melawai IX No. 42-44
Jakarta Selatan, DKI 12345

Those dumbfucks are employing spammers in Indonesia to spam contact forms of domains for sale.

We would never recommend the services of the Bali Heritage Reflexology & Spa as they appear to be willing to employ such assholes. If you travel to Indonesia, avoid Bali Heritage Reflexology & Spa as they are spammers. They most likely operate a roach motel as well.

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5 Responses to “Name and shame: Spammers raiding Internet Traffic domains –”
  1. Francois says:

    I found the solution at, I ask a low single time setup fee to can buy or place a bid, this stop most of the crap.

  2. Josh says:

    Is this coimg from a guy where just last week a thread was started saying how you were spamming people? Ironic, don’t ya think lol

  3. DomainGang says:

    Josh – Francois was ‘selectively emailing’, I believe. 😉

  4. Josh says:

    lol I suppose you make a point 😉

  5. DomainGang says:

    TGIF! 😀

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