At long last, the Obama Administration has made an 180-degree turn and is preparing for the launch of Ebola.GOV – the national information web site on the Ebola virus crisis.
“Just like with the successful launch of HealthCare.GOV, uhhh, we are committed to providing all US citizens and undocumented immigrants, uhhh, with a concise source of information on the deadly Ebola virus,” said the President, interrupting his fundraiser to announce the launch.
“There is no doubt, uhhh, that we shall prevail, there is hope, there is strong commitment and our specially trained, hazmat suit donning web developers are ready to give all Americans, uhhh, a graphically enhanced portal on this disease,” added the President, looking stern into the media cameras.
Thousands of visitors are expected to seek more information on the Ebola virus, and to complete online forms about whether they have Ebola or not. All information will be kept private, as long as it passes the NSA tests.
For more info, get ready to visit Ebola.GOV very soon. In the meantime, this is parody news.
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