One Wall is a product store on Amazon, selling picture frames of very decent quality. We recently ordered from the One Wall Amazon store and the shipped items arrived quickly and most important, in one piece.
But the order wasn’t processed through the web site, in fact, that domain is an aggregator of financial resources and news feeds.
So how is an Amazon store topping the Google SERPs, well above every “one wall” web site?
The store itself appears to be very protective of its brand, in the statement below:
“ONE WALL, a registered and legally protected brand …”
Indeed, in the USPTO database, we found a live trademark for ONE WALL registered to a Chinese company since 2017.
But why is the One Wall Amazon store using an Outlook email address and no domain name?
Because they don’t need one. That’s the power of Amazon stores.
they THINK they don’t need one… NOW.
RaTHeaD – Google ranks web sites based on content. If they strongly promote “One Wall” they will remain as the top search result.