Sedo releases the ‘Complete Guide to the New interface’
Posted by DomainGang on December 9, 2009, at 1:07 pm
On Monday, as we announced, Sedo released their newly redesigned web platform – a true masterpiece of attractive female clipart photomontage, sporting a vastly altered user interface that presents a Gordian knot challenge to the unsuspecting domainer.
These changes were received with mixed emotions from the community of domainers, which generally do not take in change particularly well.
“Jesus, I visited Sedo on Monday and almost had a heart attack. I could not find my way around the blue section, it’s so unfamiliar”, said domainer Nate Friske from Holland. “And those women in the photos, are they really Sedo employees?”
Others liked the change, particularly after months of viewing the same boring green colors and non-graphical templates of the old Sedo web site.
“Well, we know that Germans have a strict eye for design, just like with architecture and the new interface is a breath of fresh air. I spend several hours daily day-dreaming about the guy in the ‘Park Domains’ section”, said Elisa Horner, a single domainer mom from Kentucky. “I think I’d want to park all my domains at Sedo for a hunk like that”, she added giggling.
It seems that Sedo has been watching the reaction of domainers since Monday’s launch. Today, they announced the ‘Complete Guide to the New interface‘ – a comprehensive guide that allows visitors that were accustomed to the old design to find their way around.
The guide is presented below – a DomainGang exclusive!
Helga-Alice von Susteren
Helga has been with Sedo for the past 4 years as the person welcoming our beloved guests online. She speaks English, French, German and Spanish. Her hobbies include wind surfing, collecting pieces of weathered glass on the beach and playing volleyball.
Location: Homepage
Johan Beckerschnitzel
Johan is the newest member of the Sedo team, but he wears the Sedo credentials with pride. He’s a Market Specialist with a degree in linguistics. He has a black belt in karate and in his spare time he loves to cook.
Location: Home > Market Activity
Lucy Panagiotopoulos-Lieberstrom
Lucy is the Buy Domains expert. She brings years of international expertise to Sedo. The daughter of Greek immigrants in Germany, Lucy is married to a famous soccer player, Erich von Lieberstrom of Bayern Munchen.
Location: Buy Domains > Overview | Browse Categories
Lin Kin Pa-kin
Lin is the Search guru. Born and raised in Hong Kong, she is familiar with managing diversified domain portfolios and ccTLDs. Lin’s favorite color is Sedo blue.
Location: Buy Domains > Domain Search
Francine DeLacroix
Every time an auction is in progress, Francine handles the transaction’s back end, ensuring everything is in order. A true Belgian, Francine loves chocolates and sassy lingerie.
Location: Buy Domains > Domain Auctions
Samantha Klaus
How many times you wondered how we sell domains for millions? Samantha’s negotiating expertise and sensual voice achieves wonders. Samantha often runs marathons and loves sushi.
Location: Buy Domains > Domain Brokerage
Stacey Baumeister-Schnell
Stacey is eager to assist you with selling your domains at Sedo. She has a long career as head of sales with IBM, Intel, HP, Xerox, Google, Yahoo, Snapnames, Ameritrade and NASA. Stacey knows what it takes to make it happen.
Location: Sell Domains > Overview
Annelie Gustaffson
When you add domains to your portfolio, Annelie is there to assist you. Born in Sweden, Annelie is open-minded and carefree. She is not bothered by adult or offensive domains in your portfolio.
Location: Park Domains
Tiger Forest
Tiger is in charge of the Services department, juggling Appraisals, Escrow, Partnerships and Customer Support. Tiger plays a mean game of handball and hates golf.
Location: Services
Erica Stumpen-Drumpen
Erica is your friendly customer support representative; she is also the voice you hear on the phone when you call Sedo. With several years of experience in the 1-900 industry, Erica likes martial arts and decoupage.
Location: Services > Customer Support
Aurora von Fritzen
Aurora keeps track of your personal portfolio performance, displaying stats and growth charts for you to review. She likes rum with coke and she rides her bicycle to work every day.
Location: Resources > Market Trends
Natalie Krogenfromscz
Born in former Czechoslovakia, Natalie’s focus at Sedo is the creation of complex relationships with our customers on twitter, facebook, myspace and linkedin. She loves dogs and playing chess via twitter.
Location: Resources > Web 2.0
Porsche Delafuentes
Born in Puerto Rico, Porsche is a former military brat. She is in charge of the corporate information and is present at all domainer conferences to greet big clients. Porsche collects watches and loves to dissect small animals.
Location: About Us
Petra Dukenchroff
Voted as Sedo’s best smile, Petra is the person you’ll meet most of the time that you peruse your domain portfolio. She’s a public relations expert and loves to cook for her husband Dick and their seven children.
Location: My Sedo
Thomas Matthew Volt
Jamaican born, Thomas is a former US marine who saw action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nowadays, Thomas uses his persuasive personality and military skills to convince buyers to purchase domains through our web interface.
Location: Homepage > Buy Domains tab
Johannes Frank Reinchart
The best way to describe Johannes is Mr. Personality. Known for his cunning skills in optimizing portfolios, Johannes is your man when you’re ready to park your domains. He is openly metrosexual and loves shopping.
Location: Homepage > Park Domains
Zu Li Chang
How do you reach out to foreign markets? You call Zu Li – she’s our expert domain Seller who speaks Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Indian, English, Russian and even Klingon. Call her and find out how fluent she is!
Location: Homepage > Sell Domains
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Simply genius!!!
Good Lord Natalie is hot.
Wow. 🙂
Sedo should do a Holiday Calendar edition 😀
Hey yous guys, if you bookmark Petra you can login straight to dnmanagement! I’m glad you posted this complete guide, I could not find it on the new Sedo 😕
Sedo should probably make this guide into a PDF and email it to all their customers as well 😀
Not bad, Lucius ! I can indeed recognize most of my former colleagues. Congrats to all of them who made it through the casting, especially Francine DeLacroix who manages the horrible transfers between French registrars.
Genius post. I was wondering myself whether they all worked for Sedo. It’s good to find out they do.
Looks like those Sedo-lovers at NameDrive have tried to copy them by showing pics of their employees in their advent calendar too.
Seems they employ animals as well as people over there. And not nearly enough girls…
Glad I stumbled on this site. First quality domaining laugh in ages.
Every time I see my dog licking his ass, I tell him “quick licking your Sedo”. 😀
I really like this one, but let me assure you, some of the guys and gals working at Sedo are hotter than that. And our names aren’t as clichee as displayed.
Thanks for the entertaining read!
Daniel Klotz,
Erm… just one minor correction. Francine DeLacroix is not Belgian, there’s only one Belgian working at Sedo and that’s me 🙂
I do not wear sassy lingerie but as a Belgian I like beer a lot (
wow …..i thought sedo was a robot ?