Dot .CO is turning 10 years old, and Sedo, our sponsor, is having a dot .CO domain auction.
Featuring more than 100 .CO domains, this domain auction begins on July 23rd and will last a week, until July 30th.
All domains have a reserve up to $99 dollars. One thing to keep in mind is that some domains may have a premium renewal price, typically $10 higher than “regular” .CO domains.
Why .CO domains are so appealing? According to Sedo:
A .CO website has the exact same potential to rank well within search engines – assuming it provides valuable content. And these .CO domains have more availability than its comparable counterparts, giving you more flexibility and saving you money on pricier options. .CO domains provide shorter, more streamlined yet memorable options that are easy to type into a browser bar.
From that list, we picked seven domains that we believe they stand out. Here’s our list of “Seven with Sedo” from the .CO auction:
Note: This is our personal selection and not influenced by Sedo or the sellers.
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- Spices.CO – With so many spices, just like TLDs, this one is a developer’s dream. Link it to Amazon and reap the benefits.
- MobilePhones.CO – People buy new mobile phones all the time. Another great domain to develop.
- Lyrics.CO – Plenty of potential for a database-driven repository of music lyrics.
- Wings.CO – Whether it’s about flight technologies or your favorite chicken parts, this is one tasty .CO.
- MobileGames.CO – Huge market, driven by mobile phones and the need of millennials to stay entertained 24/7.
- Minds.CO – Surely a domain befitting a joint venture or start-up for a better future, free of Covid-19.
- Tiramisu.CO – This is a domain you’d want to eat to the last crumb and lick the plate afterwards!