The highly entertaining TV show, Shark Tank, utilizes the different personalities of five angel investors, judging the viability of entrepreneurs seeking capital.
Yesterday, ABC that it was moving forward with a spin-off titled Beyond the Tank, which will follow up on the results those that received investments by the show.
Beyond the Tank is a great title that attempts to increase the network’s investment in Shark Tank, but there is one slight problem: no dot .com to go with it.
Despite the penetration of social media into brands, a dot com is still considered the top priority in branding, and was registered in June of this year by someone – just not by ABC Network.
Perhaps, there is a lesson to be learned here: don’t leak information about an upcoming show before securing the dot .com first.
For the announcement of “Beyond the Tank”, click here.
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I thought your where going to make fun of them not owning 🙂