gets acquired by AMD; great news for the .com holder!

Computer chip manufacturing giant, AMD, has acquired Silo, a Finnish AI startup for $665 million dollars.

Silo AI CEO and co-founder Peter Sarlin will continue to lead the Silo AI team as part of the AMD Artificial Intelligence Group. The acquisition is expected to close in the second half of 2024.

The deal serves as an aggressive attempt by AMD to accelerate its AI footprint; Silo will allow AMD to compete against industry monolith NVDIA.

The Finnish firm helps companies develop and deploy AI models and operates from the domain name The company also owns the domain that forwards to its primary web site.

Oddly, Silo does not own that is operated by a villa and cafe business in Finland. But that might be good news for the owner of the domain name; registered in 1995, is owned by, holders of an extensive portfolio of top quality, aged domain names.

It’s great seeing AI propelling the domain market to new heights by raising awareness to the importance of quality domain brands.

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