World Cup 2014 will take place in Brazil.
Is it over yet? Well, yes, it is.
Voting ended one minute before midnight last night, and the winners of our Brazuca-thon contest are now officially decided as follows:
- Gary Dell – of FreeMarketSystem.com – with 32 votes. Gary wins a regular size 5 Brazuca ball and he actively plays soccer.
Gary’s entry was: “My wish is that all kids have a chance to live in a healthy and safe environment free of violence or famine.” - Paul Goldstone – of Paul.co.com – with 23 votes. Paul wins a mini Brazuca ball and as a Brit he has soccer as part of his DNA.
Paul’s entry was: “My wish for the world is that every child has a loving home.” - Elliot Silver – of DomainInvesting.com – with 16 votes. Elliot wins our other mini Brazuca ball and he loves both soccer and beer, making him a honorary Briton.
Elliot’s entry was: “I wish that everyone who is hungry would have food and the means to get food whenever hungry.”
Congratulations to all the winners and those that participated, for sharing some wonderful wishes with the rest of us. A big thank you to Tony Kanakaris, Bruce Marler, Cate Colgan, Vincent Jacques, Wayne Cypert and Kerry Shahan.
Happy Holidays!
Brilliant! My kids will love this… if they can tackle it from me
Cheers mate!