Good morning, my domainer children and what a lovely morning it is this Sunday.
I am sad to hear that some of you have fallen ill lately. You all will be in my prayers and I hope you have a speedy recovery even if no one invited me to the Playboy Mansion.
It is on my heart this morning how some of you still believe in domains that fall short of the glory of the highest registrar. You must repent from these types of names and seek revenues in higher mountains.
I tell you, my domainer children, that there shall be a day where end users come calling your WHOIS info to scout for your email address and phone number but that day will not happen if you are still focused on pigeon droppings.
Turn! TURN AWAY from these names and start living a true domainer existence that I know lives within each and every one of you. It is time to let crap names drop and focus on domains that bring brighter futures.
Follow the footsteps of our Brother Frank Schilling and do something so successful that it confuses the hell out of everyone as to how you have done it. BAM! It’s registered. BAM! It receives revenue. BAM! Oh glory be look at those type ins. BAM! Can you feel the Domain Lord from your computer monitor this morning – someone give me a SOLD VIA PM?!
As I close this morning keep one thing in mind: there are three paths – one is straight and narrow which leads directly to the highest domaining plain with our Domain Lord.
One is an endless circle that never leaves the ground full of pigeon droppings and laughing hyenas. And the third is the existence between these two where the wings of the pigeons fly.
Which path are you on?
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Lets retire Father Domainicus……………………lets stick to useful ,factual information pertaining to the
domain industry.
Thank you
Alan – Father Domainicus can only be retired by command of the Domain Lord and as such our hands are tied.