Domain registrar, EuroDNS, interfered with The Red Bear, a torrent indexing web site operating from TheRedBear.CC, following a DMCA complaint.
Although still active, the domain is now locked, and it will expire and most likely drop, as the domain’s registrar responded to a complaint by Amazon services.
Indexing links – such as torrents – to illegal or pirated content usually triggers the DMCA notice, and in the case of The Red Bear, that email apparently ended up in the spam.
By failing to respond timely to the email, EuroDNS then sought to confirm additional contact information. According to Torrentfreak:
“EuroDNS shall be entitled to charge the Customer for any action performed on the Customer’s behalf in connection with a third party claim, insofar as the Customer fails to acknowledge receipt of the EuroDNS notification in regard to such a claim, or if EuroDNS finds it necessary to take action in regard to such a claim such as sending a registered letter and making phone calls on behalf of the Customer and the complaining third party,” the company said.
It seems that such attempts to reach the domain’s operators failed or bounced, and now that domain is under the control of the registrar.
EuroDNS typically does not lock down domains simply because of DMCA complaints:
[…] as long as they don’t host a website to which a domain points, they don’t suspend domains following a copyright complaint, as they do with domains that are clearly involved in illegal activity such as “phishing, social hatred etc.”
For the full story, head over to the Torrentfreak article.
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