Hurricane Irma is a nasty, category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic.
Here in Florida, we prepare for the worst and pray for the best, and it’s important to keep track of the path of Irma.
Naturally, is the authority web site of the National Hurricane Center, providing updates every 3 hours about the hurricane’s projected path. Those images, however, are static.
A great visualization tool at displays the global weather, with the ability to zoom in to the finest detail.
Ventusky constantly shows a live map of the selected region, with important information such as temperature, precipitation, clouds, wind speed and gusts, air pressure and waves. There is a matching app for Android as well.
Ventusky also has a projected path system, and so far it shows a north-east movement for hurricane Irma, with a landfall close to Miami and then a north-east track.
Stay safe everyone!
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I hope that people evacuate for that one and don’t try to tough it out. It’s devastating enough losing belongings, losing a life is much worse. I’ve already heard people saying they will tough it out and not leave, they’ll be fine. Hurricanes are like Russian roulette. Someones going to get hurt. You may get lucky, but the odds aren’t as good as you think. My prayers are with Floridians and I hope that they get as far away as possible, they shouldn’t wait till the last minute and get trapped in it.