Premium two letter domain,, failed to sell at NameJet earlier today.
Priced with a reserve at between $600,001 and $700,000 dollars, the premium, ultra-short domain attracted a total of 185 bids from 178 bidders.
Of those bidders, 5 made bids in the six figure range; the auction for ended at $535,000 dollars.
NameJet user “advseo” made the top bid.
The auction for ended slightly higher than did seven weeks ago; that NameJet result at $502,000 was marred by unfounded claims that a past UDRP might pose issues in the future, something its owner and their attorney vehemently denied.
Are two letter .com domains dropping in value?
Probably not, but perhaps domainer-centric venues aren’t the best place to sell those high-valued domain assets.
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It looks like is still with the seller. Did the buyer default?
John – Yes, the buyer claimed that the notoriety of the domain made him feel “nervous.” They refused to pay.
Maybe Gfy/Com would like Fo/Com