VeriSign to introduce ‘DNA’ authentication in May – Your choice of body fluid

Often taking a lot of heat over practices in the past, VeriSignmanager of the .com and .net namespace – is forging ahead a new era in domaining.

Earlier this morning, VeriSign announced the apparent introduction of a revolutionary new Domain Name Authentication system – or DNA – which surpasses any level of security currently offered by any registry or registrar.

“Pretty much – we take DNA samples from the registrant and issue a unique key hashed with a human person’s genetic material, then issue an SSL certificate matching that code”, said Tim Dalton, technology manager at VeriSign Labs.

“Since even twins have different DNA, our method of providing an unsurpassed level of security is the ultimate key to locking down one’s domains”, he added.

The VeriSign DNA system begins with the shipment of a sampler kit to the registrant; a device to insert a drop of blood or a squirt of semen whichever is more convenient – and mail it back to the VeriSign Labs. Once the DNA sequence is complete, the certificate is issued and from that point on a perfect match is needed in order to perform any changes to the domain’s DNS, manage renewal or transfer out to a new registrar.

“Revolutionary as it sounds, it’s really not rocket-science. Ever since our base price for .com and .net domains increased, we are at a very comfortable position financially to experiment, create, promote and offer to our customers products that one can usually find in Hollywood movies”, said VeriSign’s technology manager.

In July, prices for .com and .net registrations will be increased by 7% and 10% respectively, thus financing this great offer of a security layer controlled by the registrant’s DNA.

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2 Responses to “VeriSign to introduce ‘DNA’ authentication in May – Your choice of body fluid”
  1. Stephan says:

    Sperm sample? I guess women domainers will have to opt for the blood drop instead 😀

  2. Tia Wood says:

    I guess a drop of blood is most convenient for me.

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