Whit Monday: What is it and why’s Dan.com closed today?

Visitors of Dan.com, the ever-popular domain platform for selling and buying domains, are seeing a strange message today.

After logging in to one’s account, the following message appears at the top of the Dan.com page:

📢 Today is a public holiday (Whit Monday) and no payouts are processed. Payouts will resume Tuesday morning again. Have a nice day!

Whit Monday? What the heck is that, you might ask.

No, Whit Monday is not a typo of either “White Monday” or “Wheat Monday.” It’s just like you read it, Whit Monday.

Dan.com is based in the Netherlands and rich in European culture. Celebrating major religious holidays is common in many countries in Europe, as part of the nations’ traditions. Such holidays include Whit Monday, that always falls 50 plus one days after Easter Sunday. According to Wikipedia:

Whit Monday or Pentecost Monday, also known as Monday of the Holy Spirit, is the holiday celebrated the day after Pentecost, a moveable feast in the Christian liturgical calendar.

Which means one thing: It’s not Whit Monday in the Eastern Orthodox countries such as Greece, yet, as Easter follows a separate calendar. If you must know, Greeks and other Eastern Orthodox people (Serbs, Romanians, Bulgarians, Russians, Ukrainians, Finns) celebrate Whit Monday on June 13th this year. It’s called Monday of the Holy Spirit.

Which brings us to the next obvious question: Who owns the domain name WhitMonday.com?

Registered in 2013, the domain name WhitMonday.com is in the possession of a Chinese domain registrant and does not seem to resolve currently. We have no idea why they registered the domain and why screenshots of it show some funny fashion outfits from China.

Sounds like a case of squatting if you ask us. May the Holy Spirit enlighten them on this Whit Monday!

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