XYZ Registry applies for .Covfefe gTLD and trademark

Generation .Covfefe

The XYZ Registry is once again breaking the proverbial mold, with an ICANN application for dot .Covfefe at the gTLD level.

Riding the coat-tails of a popular meme by Donald Trump’s tweet, the XYZ Registry has grand plans for this new extension.

Daniel Negari, CEO and founder of the XYZ Registry, stated:

“As a domain dreamer, from a very young age, I’d stare into the dark, starry sky at night, pondering at life, the universe and gTLDs.

With our new application for .Covfefe we are finally breaking the mold of domain investing, utilizing the power of the Internet of Memes.”

The .Covfefe application and its associated $185,000 dollar fee will bring the total number of XYZ Registry gTLDs to 7 – a lucky number in the West.

In the coming months, advertising campaigns by the XYZ Registry will include dressing up in orange suits with an abstract orange toupee at the top, to honor Donald Trump’s monumental tweet.

“Innovators understanding my personal vision about the future today, are in the advantageous position to get ahead of the curve, secure blocks of .Covfefe domains, and become masters of their domain for decades to come,” said Daniel Negari, stroking his pet cat, Ego.

We can’t wait to see what the future of .Covfefe domains will bring, and whether they’ll be priced at $0.22 or $0.23 dollars.

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