ZFBot.com – the popular domain tool used by seasoned domainers eager to research domain keywords – has just received a major upgrade.
Ken Greenwood, developer of ZFBot announced the following:
Copyright © 2024 DomainGang.com · All Rights Reserved.I’ve added deep linking into the ZFBot application. Here’s how it works – you pass variables in the URL and the application reads those variables.
This way, you can save bookmarks or put URLs behind buttons/links on external sites and have users go directly to queries within ZFBot.
Here’s an example:
search1 = starts with string
search2 = ends with string
ext = the extension value:
- 0 = all
- 1 = com
- 2 = net
- 3 = org
- 4 = info
- 5 = biz
- 6 = us
- 7 = mobi
- 8 = tel
- 9 = xxx
dash = include or exclude dashes. Value of t or f
num = include or exclude numbers. Value of t or f
idn = include or exclude IDN domains. Value of t or f
min = minimum domain length
max = maximum domain length
dropping = whether the domain is dropping or not. Value of t or f
cvcv = if dropping, the type of drop:
- 0 = all
- 1 = dictionary
- 2 = cvcv
- 3 = cvvc
- 4 = vcvc
- 5 = vccv
- 6 = cvcv, cvvc, vcvc, vccv
- 7 = cvcvc
- 8 = vcvcv
park = parking value:
- 0 = no filter
- 1 = yes
- 2 = unlikely
- 3 = likely
searchns = nameserver value
An example of a search using the searchns variable follows:
go = autorun variable. Set it to t to have the query automatically run upon starting ZFBot.
My request to add ZFBOT to dofo.com pushed Ken to add these improvements.
He ‘s also adding the possibility to do an AND or OR query (previously only the AND was possible).
Really a good tool to find possible buyer prospects and Ken is a really a nice person.