Zshare.net, the former domain of Zshare, dropped and is being auctioned off at DropCatch.
What the heck is Zshare, you might ask.
Apparently, it’s a former filesharing domain that thrived in the days that Megaupload reigned supreme, about a decade ago.
Zshare fell off the face of the earth in 2012, following the legal nightmare that Megaupload faced from the US authorities. Zshare was popular with illegally shared music, according to Torrentfreak that documented its disappearance.
While there are plenty of backlinks to Zshare.net, the service itself has been dead for years. It’s not clear what kept the domain registered for almost a decade after Zshare shut down.
Update: The auction at DropCatch closed at $49,050 dollars!
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