Constantine Roussos: YouPorn is no authority on the .XXX debate

Constantine Roussos – the founder of and supporter of the Dot Music initiative, is lashing out against the recently announced lawsuit of YouPorn against the ICM Registry.

In a comment at popular domain blog, DomainIncite, Roussos states:

“How is YouPorn an authority to talk about challenge the new TLD Program when their whole basis of existence is consistently violating not only copyright (yes, porn is copyrighted) using the DMCA as an excuse to willfully engage in infringement? Furthermore, how do they ensure minors do not visit their site? They can not.”

Great points by Constantine Roussos, who points out the following as well:

“YouPorn only became famous because they were offering FREE video porn to the whole Internet population regardless of age. They did not ask the adult studios for permission. They created their own monopoly and never cleared anything with anyone.”

You can read the entire exchange at


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2 Responses to “Constantine Roussos: YouPorn is no authority on the .XXX debate”
  1. adam says:

    Constantine Roussos is really funny guy. was sold for over 600,000 and this domain is under his name.
    Congratulation Constantine!!

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Adam – Soon, Constantine will own 😀

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