DomainGang has survived an onslaught of traffic, directly from the homepage of – Our advertisers are loving the eyeballs
A detailed report tomorrow after the full stats are in. Meanwhile, follow us on twitter at
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Wow, congratulations
That’s a very nice bonus if you can get onto the main page of Digg but definitely a tricky one if you’re not prepared for the extra traffic. Glad to hear it all went smoothly and will definitely be interested in the stats.
but its also good if u but a digg button with direct link with this psot
Digg is good and bad, great for backlinks, terrible for clicks. They don’t click. Handling traffic on digg is nothing anymore. A $20 a month hosting package for me can easily handle a 150,000 uniques in a day and I can do that three times a month before I run out of bandwidth. Servers are cheap now. Congrats on the traffic. Don’t get addicted to it. I speak from experience. I used to have a site that was on Digg and Reddit front page at least twice a week for a year and the traffic became addicting. I felt the need to get back on the front page and write articles geared towards that instead of being on topic. A domaining site can only get on the front page once or month or so because of our niche market. You find yourself writing articles about popular things like chatroulette or sex…………oh wait…
Zero effort on my part, Shane, so no worries. And you can’t get 150,000 uniques in a day on a shared $20 /month hosting – unless your files load at a rate of 1 image every minute.