Thousands of domainers flock to Domainfest in Santa Monica!

Thousands of domainers are flocking to Domainfest, which opens its gates tomorrow, January 31st in Santa Monica, California. The three-day domain conference will accommodate a large party of domain investors from India and Pakistan, where domaining has exploded in 2011 due to new regulations by their respective governments. “We are prepared to welcome and host […]

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Fashion blunder! DNJournal uses doctored photo for Domainfest article!

Let’s start off by stating that Ron Jackson, editor and man-in-chief of DNJournal is #1 on the list of domainer popularity, often ahead of Rick Schwartz. While we love Ron – in a manly sort of way – the experienced journalist just made a huge editorial gaffe, by using a photoshopped photo in his recap […]

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10 Reasons why DomainGang won’t be going to Domainfest

It’s with great sadness that we’ve decided not to attend Domainfest Santa Monica – the great industry event that opens its gates on February 1st. While a lot of our readers will be disappointed – especially those on the West coast – there are several reasons why we chose not to attend at this time. […]

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