Ron Jackson of DNJournal did the unthinkable and shaved his head for charity.
Having met Ron in person, we know how fond he is of his hair – which was darker and thicker in his early days of domaining.
That’s what domaining does, makes people lose their hair, but Ron became a “bald domainer” voluntarily.
Here are 10 reasons why being a bald domainer is sexy:
- A bald head is a sign of aggressiveness: other domainers know you mean business and have no time for bullshit!
- Being a bald domainer is a chick magnet at domainer conferences. Of course, Ron Jackon’s wife would shake her head.
- Bald domainers don’t have to worry about their hair and looks, or be concerned if it’s brushed or combed.
- Spending less money on shampoo means there’s more money left for domain registrations.
- A bald domainer does not need special branding. Just take a look at Ammar Kubba, he’s a legend.
- If you start losing your hair and getting patchy, shaving it off completely is an instant makeover.
- The ‘Telly Savalas’ look is all the rage now, just get an assorted popsicle and you’re ready to kick some butt at TRAFFIC.
- No scalp hair means no issues with dandruff; as long as you use sunscreen for those days out at the TRAFFIC cabana.
- Being a bald domainer makes one stand out from a large group of people at domainer conferences. You simply shine in the night.
- Finally, as a bald domainer you can make fun at people with silly haircuts and ponder how on earth you didn’t shave off your head sooner.
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