Chaos in Egypt: Hosni Mubarak domains in limbo

Egypt is facing a nation-wide social uprising, encouraged by communication via twitter and facebook; the riots have left dozens of people dead thus far.

At stake are Egypt’s national security and of course its archaeological treasures.

The ancient nation of Egypt, with thousands of years of civilization going back to the 3rd millennium BC last witnessed glory under the command of Alexander the Great and the Ptolemaic dynasty.

The government of Egypt resorted to turning off the Internet traffic to and from the country, all while its corrupt president Hosni Mubaraksome say, dictator – of 30 years is struggling to retain power at the ripe age of 82.

Naturally, all domain traffic to web sites related to Egypt should witness a large increase by now.

Meanwhile, the domain name redirects to a portal about Egypt, but the equally appealing and are in both in redemption, pending deletion.

It’d be interesting to witness how the situation in Egypt unfolds and whether any Egyptian domainers will step in to capitalize on the events. Regardless, it seems that the Hosni Mubarak domains will produce some hefty traffic as well.

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6 Responses to “Chaos in Egypt: Hosni Mubarak domains in limbo”
  1. tricolorro says:

    “ and are in both in redemption, pending deletion.”

    I suspect Hosni Mubarak himself is “in redemption, pending deletion”.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Tric – That’s totally ingenious 😀 and very true.

    Simply put, I don’t understand how people keep rulers for 30 years and not revolt when they lack basic needs. The monthly wage in Egypt is $50 or less.

  3. BullS says:

    You and I are paying him to say in power for 30 years!!!

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    BullS – Correct, Egypt is a strong recipient of military aid from the US.

  5. Dan says:

    Hi Lucius,

    This is way off the subject…but I cannot find any way to get a hold of you…I have a simple request.

    Could you email me, when you get a chance?

    Thanks, I appreciate it much….

    Dan Brown ~ AKA ~ “Danno”

  6. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Hey Dan – Can’t believe that wasn’t listed in the About Us page! Well, it wasn’t but now it is 😀

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