Domain companies to be grateful for : Uniregistry

Merry Christmas domainers! 😀

The end of 2015 is nigh, and on that note we’re sending out our appreciation for companies that throughout the year strove to deliver a variety of great services to domain investors.

After covering and DomainTools, it’s the turn of Uniregistry and its domain registrar services.


Not just another registrar but rather, a great collection of domain portfolio managing tools, Uniregistry launched its domain-centric services with effective ease of use in mind.

When your domain portfolio consists of a few domains, or hundreds or even thousands, the Uniregistry back-end system makes the job of managing domains a pure delight.

There are bulk tools for everything, and organizing your domains follows an intelligent approach to user experience.

That, has been achieved by providing lots of feedback and testing, and we’re proud to have assisted Uniregistry during the pre-launch and post-launch periods.

Uniregistry and Domain Name Tools have joined forces, and the combined product will be launched early in 2016, most likely during NamesCon.

If you’re looking for a domain registrar that delivers what ‘s promised, and more, you can only gain by using Uniregistry – a company that operates under the Frank Schilling seal of approval.

Note: Uniregistry is a premium sponsor of DomainGang. We use their services as power-users and provide our readers with objective feedback.

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3 Responses to “Domain companies to be grateful for : Uniregistry”
  1. Jerry says:

    I miss just one feature. A possibility to prepay a certain amount by credit card or Paypal, so that that I can use this balance later to register or renew domains.

    Dynadot, Fabulous, Namesilo, Moniker… have this feature.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Jerry – You can actually prefund your Uniregistry account with CC/PayPal/Wire. Direct link:

  3. Jerry says:

    Thank you. I did not know about that.

    Anyway, it seems that in this case the payment is higher by 4%, is that correct?

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