Here at DomainGang we have some nice, new balls – they could be yours to play with, this Christmas!
Not just any type of balls, mind you.
These are some fine azz Brazuca balls, the official World Cup 2014 soccer balls that will be played with in Brazil, and they are brand new, straight from the Adidas factory. No persons, cats or dogs have played with them.
We are giving them away, to three lucky domainers.
There are two mini Brazucas and a regular sized one, as pictured below; three prizes will be allocated in total. Shirt, shorts and hairy arms not included.

Want to have our nice big balls?
All you have to do is post below, your best wish for the World in the new year, 2014. Keep it clean, be positive and stay karmalicious.
Here are the rules:
- Post your wish for the world in the comments below this announcement, and include the best domain name that you own, as well (no adult names, please.) Example: “I wish that all wars end in the new year. The best domain that I own is“
- One entry per shipping address. If you have five siblings, one entry only.
- MUST follow up by emailing your contact info (full name, email, shipping address) to: brazuca [at] [domaingang] [dot] [cοm] – If you don’t, the entry will be disqualified. Email must match that of your entry and that of your best domain name, per the WHOIS. All personal information will be kept confidential.
- All entries and follow-up emails must arrive by Friday, December 20, 2013, at 6:00PM Eastern US time. No exceptions.
- Public voting will follow, between Saturday, December 21 at 9:00AM Eastern US time – until Sunday, December 22, 10:00PM Eastern US time.
- The winners will be announced on Monday, December 23.
- If several entries receive the same number of votes, a random draw will occur for the prizes allocated.
- Notes: All decisions are final. Items will be mailed as gifts. Shipping worldwide, but you are responsible for any local Customs fees, taxes or other charges if you reside outside of the United States. Cannot ship to countries blocked by the US Government. Acts of God might delay some processing, so be good now and gain some positive karma with your entry.
Happy Holidays!
I wish that everyone who is hungry would have food and the means to get food whenever hungry. My best domain name is
That’s a great wish, Elliot.
Thanks, and best of luck in the final phase of the Gift-a-Brazuca-thon. 
My wish for the world is that every child has a loving home. On a personal note, I wish that I could kick your brazuca balls. My best domain name is
Phenomenal, Paul. Thank you for sharing. I am very partial to my balls, but those will be given away to three lucky wieners. I mean, winners.
Hi Gang,
My wish for the world is that there is forever peace and harmony. Except when Argentina plays Brazil in 2014 World Cup Finals!… Vamos Argentina!!!!! … Vamos queridos!!!
My best domain name is
Tony, that’s beautiful! I knew Peace and Harmony once, they were twin Italian sisters. Man…
Thank you for your entry, I am bound to support Brazil.
My wish is that all kids have a chance to live in a healthy and safe environment free of violence or famine. My best domain this week is Happy Holidays!
Gary, beautiful wishes. I hear you put on 5 jerseys today, are you starting a new soccer fashion?
My wish is that my 1 million dollar investment in returns 10 times over in the next year so that I may donate it all to feed and shelter those in need. My best domain name is
My wish is for all to remember ….
Be Kind …. Help Each Other ….
Love is ALWAYS the answer ….
My Best domain name is
Happy Holidays
Cate, that’s a beautiful wish. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Enjoy your holidays as well!
My best wish to the world for this upcoming year of 2014 is for ALL to realize that they ARE important…that they CAN make a difference…and that they NEED a domain name! The best domain name that I own is! Get it? No really, I do.
Seriously, It may seem to be a large world, although it really is a small world after all… as evidenced through many domain names that have brought so many like-minded people together! Let’s all enjoy some Peace and Harmony during the Holidays, but trust me, stay away from those sisters…and keep up the GREAT work DomainGang!
I wish violence in the world would would substantially decrease.
My best domain is
Bruce – That’s beautiful, you’ve been doing some great stuff with the app.
Vincent – I agree, it’s a small world but a big planet. Makes sense?
Wayne – That’s a great wish, man! Thanks for your entry.
“I wish everyone a schmossty new year!….2014 Baby!”
My best domain is
Alright guys and gals, the competition is now closed. I will post the voting poll by 9:00am tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
I wish a great 2014 . The best domain that I own is