DomainGang World Cup soccer fever: Win a FREE Brazuca ball!

World Cup soccer 2014 starts in two days in Brazil and we are as giddy as Daniel Negari during the XYZ launch! 😀

For a full month, the world’s most popular sport will be enjoyed by billions of people, including domainers such as Elliot Silver, who’s a big soccer fan.


In December we gave away Adidas Brazuca balls to three lucky winners.

And here comes the best part: We’re giving away ONE Adidas Brazuca top glider full sized ball, to one lucky winner.

The rules of the game are simple: predict the winning team of World Cup 2014.

Here’s how to qualify:

  • Post the winning team in the comments below, e.g. “The winner will be Germany.”
  • One entry per shipping address. If you have five siblings, one entry only.
  • MUST follow up by emailing your entry AND contact info (full name, email) to: wc2014 [at] [domaingang] [dot] [cοm] – If you don’t, your entry will be disqualified. Email must match that of your comment entry. All personal information will be kept confidential.
  • All entries and follow-up emails must arrive by June 14th, 12:00PM noon 5:00PM, Eastern US time. No exceptions!
  • The winner will be announced on July 14th.
  • If several entries match the winning team, a random draw will occur for the prize, among the correct guesses. ONE Adidas Brazuca ball will be given to a single winner.
  • If noone guesses the winner, there will be no prize allocated.
  • Notes: All decisions are final. Items will be mailed as gifts. Shipping worldwide, but you are responsible for any local Customs fees, taxes or other charges if you reside outside of the United States. Cannot ship to countries blocked by the US Government. Acts of God might delay some processing.

Enter your winning team now! 😀


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42 Responses to “DomainGang World Cup soccer fever: Win a FREE Brazuca ball!”
  1. The winner will be…..the team with the most points. 🙂 But seriously, I’m going to pick Argentina.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Brian – No doubt the competition will be fierce 😀 Argentina is a strong team. Good luck with your entry!

  3. Gary Dell says:

    I will also pick Argentina. Sorry, Brian. It’s not my fault you know what you’re talking about.

  4. DomainGang says:

    Thanks for your entry, Gary. Good luck! Don’t forget to email your info per the rules for your entry to qualify.

  5. Daniel says:

    The winner will be Spain!

  6. Mike Awada says:

    Gotta go with the hometown boys this year. Show me the Brazuca!

  7. DomainGang says:

    Mike – And what is the hometown bro? Just to be clear 😀

  8. Attila says:

    Spain. Duh.

    Didn’t you watch 300 or Gladiator?

  9. Daniel says:

    Attila- good choice, I guess we’ll be competing 😉

  10. Mike Awada says:

    La República Federativa do Brasil of course

  11. Rado says:

    The winner will be…Germany lets say 🙂

  12. GL says:

    The winner will be Brasil.

  13. DomainGang says:

    Good luck everyone, don’t forget the contest closes this Saturday at noon!

  14. Jason says:

    The winner will be Lionel Messi and Team Argentina!

  15. Lorenzo says:

    I say Brasil, they play at home and , considering the political situation with all this complaining and strikes against the world cup, you know, if they win it would help to forget the problems ( i hope i’m wrong and that Italy will win 😀 )

  16. Joe Styler says:

    I pick Italia

  17. George Hong says:

    I love the playing style of Brazil and Argentina. It is fun to watch them. But we will probably see a new world cup record created this year: An European team will win the world cup in America. I pick German.

  18. RU says:

    The winner will be Russia LOL

  19. The winner will in fact be Germany!

  20. JZ says:

    The winner will be Mexico.

  21. DomainGang says:

    UPDATE: New cutoff time is 5:00PM Eastern today! 😀

  22. sasitha Layan Yasathilaka says:

    The Winner will be Germany.

  23. Wayne says:

    The winner will be Brasil.

  24. Sonja Botha says:

    The winners will be Brazil

  25. Ahmed El Shaweesh says:

    The winner will be netherlands

  26. Marco says:

    The winner will be Italy

  27. Daniela says:

    The winner will be The Netherlands

  28. fizz says:

    The winner will be Brazil.

  29. Paul Green says:


  30. DomainGang says:

    Thank you all – the contest is now closed. Let’s see who will win this! 😀

  31. Marco says:

    and the winner is???????????

  32. Marco says:

    sorry, i just read to wait 14th july

  33. DomainGang says:

    Marco – We need to know the winner of the World Cup first 😉

  34. Inayah Al-khatib says:

    This is a really difficult decision because I love so many teams and they are all so amazing but if I absolutely have to choose it would be…Brazil. That’s my final answer.

  35. The winner will be Brazil

  36. I think the winning will be Mexico or Brazil

  37. DomainGang says:

    Guys, thanks for the predictions, but keep in mind the contest closed on June 14th. Good luck to all, the results will be announced on July 15th.

  38. fizz says:

    Into the Round of 16 and live entries remaining for the Brazuca ball competition appear to be:

    Argentina: 4 votes
    Brazil: 6 votes
    Germany: 4 votes
    Mexico: 1 vote
    Netherlands: 2 votes

    You can do it Neymar!!!

  39. Nageena Ahmed says:

    The winner will be Argentina.

  40. DomainGang says:

    Nageena Ahmed – The contest is over. We’re just waiting for the World Cup final results.

  41. SARTHAK says:

    The winner will be Argentina.

  42. DomainGang says:

    Alright, a lot of people can’t read that THE COMPETITION ENDED ON JUNE 14TH, so I’m closing the comments and will re-open once the final results are in.