Facebook newsfeed: Your Facebook is now your Police ID and more involuntary upgrades

Many Facebook users won't be happy with the new updates.

Many Facebook users won’t be happy with the new updates.

Breaking news from the live stream showcasing the launch of updates for Facebook – an update grander than many had hoped for.

While Google is focusing on Google Glass and other such useless and expensive gadgets, Facebook gets the government contracts.

“Facebook profiles will officially replace driver’s license documents, as the new police id in the US,” said a very excited Mark Zuckerberg.

“Millions of Americans that live in fear of identity theft can now verify themselves in three easy steps, and receive a Facebook profile hard copy in the mail. No more trips to your local antiquated DMV,” added Zuckerberg.

Facebook announced the introduction of another revolutionary technology – the introduction of scratch & sniff photos taken using Instagram filters.

Facebook users will be able to allocate a number of perfumes, odors and even stenches to particular photos, and order them for themselves or as a gag gift for friends. Each 12 photo set will cost $6.99 and re-orders will be just $5.99.

“We are finally putting billions of food and body parts photos taken by Instagram to good use,” said Mark Zuckerberg. “You can now smell the food you took a photo of or feel the real stench of the sore on your dog’s paw. There was a reason we spent $1 billion dollars for this Instagram gizmo!” exclaimed Zuckerberg, as the crowd applauded.

The new features will begin rolling into your Facebook timeline and newsfeed by 3 am tonight; a time that many are asleep and thus unable to refuse the updates.

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