Farewell to domaining: Sahar Sarid joined the Hare Krishna

Domain investor, Sahar Sarid, mysteriously retreated from domaining about two years ago, at the very peak of his career as a beloved investor among his peers.

“Sahar’s disappearance is a mystery I cannot fathom,” said Andrew Allemann of Domain Name Wire.

“In my quest for the truth, I searched every single UDRP at the National Arbitration Forum, to see if perhaps he was involved in one, but nothing turned up,” added Allemann, while Googling for Sarid as part of his research.

Recent photos from Los Angeles, however, reveal a shocking story: Sahar has joined the Hare Krishna religious and spiritual movement, playing his shakuhachi and tamburin with pride.

Sahar Sarid, wearing the red garb of the enlightened pupil of Krishna.

Sahar Sarid, wearing the red garb of the enlightened pupil of Krishna.

Sahar’s new name is Swami Pradyumna, that means “he who has been enlightened through the waiving of all earthly assets” – a name that closely matches Sahar’s progression in recent years.

“It is sad that we cannot shoot the proverbial shit with Sahar anymore at various strip clubs,” said Sahar’s friend Alessandro Drappio. “He was a legendary playboy in those venues, believe me. You have no idea about the tricks he performed on the ladies with his shakuhachi!” exclaimed Drappio.

Still, Sahar’s decision to abandon the earthly possessions, both tangible and intangible, won’t affect the high amount of respect the domain community beholds for the soft-spoken man, former domainer and Hare Krishna follower.

Wishing you lots of happiness, Swami Pradyumna!


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2 Responses to “Farewell to domaining: Sahar Sarid joined the Hare Krishna”
  1. Caleb says:

    Smart domainers retire early, I believe he’s in Japan.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Caleb – LAX to TYO is ‘only’ a 10 hour flight 😀

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