Silly Cybersquatter grabs Greek politician’s domain within minutes

Lucas Papademos's name in dot com is now squatted upon.

It’s exactly this kind of domain registrations that have been given domainers a bad reputation: registering someone’s full name as a domain name.

Within minutes of the announcement that Lucas Papademos takes over as interim prime minister in Greece, some guy from Denmark registered according to DomainTools.

Why is this act stupid?

First off, it’s a clear act of cybersquatting; in the same way that newbie domainers have been registering the full names of singers, actors, sports personalities and celebrities.

Second, Mr. Papademos is only going to be prime minister of Greece until general elections are held in February 2012, in other words, for only 3 months.

Furthermore, Greek politicians and celebrities don’t really care about .com domains, as the local market is almost exclusively focused on .GR

It’s highly unlikely that will be worth anything in February; it’s certainly not worth anything right now.

Again, a prime example of how one fails to do some proper research, thus burning a hole in their pocket.


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One Response to “Silly Cybersquatter grabs Greek politician’s domain within minutes”
  1. BullS says:

    That why Europe is so F up!!

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