What a fabulous week it has been for domain investors!

Domain gTLDs are here to stay.
Domain investor, Page Howe, was positioned initially against the new wave of top level domains, collectively known as gTLDs.
It seems that Page, like scores of other domain investors, has changed his mind; the sale of 3dPrinting.guru for an undisclosed sum surely changed his mind.
The dot .technology gTLD offers great branding opportunities, and it seems that Page scored a big one, after registering Smart.Technology during the tiered landrush. Definitely a smart move by Page, who has had years of domain success.
Meanwhile, Mike Berkens of TheDomains and Worldwide Media, Inc., snapped up Cool.Technology, a spectacular brand.
Another domain professional, Ted Olson of NameMedia, grabbed some spectacular dot .guru domains early on, landing Body.Guru, Motivation.Guru and Radio.Guru.
Congratulations, gentlemen!
Wonderful!….. Smart.Technology is a good one! I have domainer’s remorse after putting that one in my cart at one time…lol.. ….Speaking of domain investors, has Rick Schwartz registered any New G’s yet??? I would ask him, although he has been non existent since the New G roll out.
Aaron – You’re not alone, I put Cool.Technology in my cart before Mike spent less time pondering, and more time registering!
lol…..you said it correctly, “less time pondering, and more time registering!”…………….Lesson heard!!!!…..Lesson learned!!!!!!!!!……lol
I really like Cool.Technology
Thanks for the great article. I was overlooking .technology. You gave me the kick in the butt to go ahead and register Cars.technology now instead of waiting for it to go to auction, as I am sure it would have.
Patrick – It’s not too late, just published a hefty wordlist by the way, check it out.
Howie – Agreed, it’s got cool Google results too.
Aaron – Just don’t go all Pokemon on the new domains! You don’t have to catch them all !
I got 3dprinter.guru so its great to see the sale of 3dprinting.guru. Congrats Page!