Verisign – the overlords of the .com domain names – were awarded a six year extension of their lucrative contract, with the option to increase prices by up to 7% in four of those years.
However, those that are still skeptical about the constructive role of Verisign, should be aware of all the positive contributions of this price increase.
“A lot of folks don’t know that a 7% increase is substantially less than the increase in gas, donuts, coffee, tobacco, Italian beer, ham and cheese sandwiches or deep fried bacon with chocolate crispies,” said Verisign spokesman, Ronald Yute.
“At Verisign, we are, essentially, protecting your health; had you had that extra 7% you would have spent it on those unhealthy condiments and beverages”, added Yute.

Verisign cares about your good health.
The extended Verisign contract will thus give millions of Internet users the opportunity to ponder, what if the Iron Curtain were back in place and computers cost $10,000 a piece; both of which changed at the end of the Reagan era which introduced us to the benefits of the Internet.
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