Winner of the 2014 World Cup Adidas Brazuca contest!

It’s finally over, and we have a winner!

The much-coveted Adidas Brazuca contest that coincided with the World Cup 2014 in Brazil has found a new home.

Earlier today, out of four entries that had guessed the World Cup winning team, Germany, correctly, one was picked at random.

Without further ado, the lucky winner of the DomainGang Brazucathon contest is domainer George Hong, operator of

Congratulations George! 😀 Your gift will be mailed by tomorrow, happy kicks!


Winner of the Adidas Brazuca ball contest!


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6 Responses to “Winner of the 2014 World Cup Adidas Brazuca contest!”
  1. George Hong says:

    Thanks! It was a great world cup tournament. Participating in your contest make it much more fun to watch the games. 🙂

  2. Joe Styler says:

    Congratulations George! Thanks for the great contest.

  3. fizz says:

    Congrats George and thanks DG for the contest.

    Just under four years for the next chance!

  4. gary dell says:

    Congratulations, George. I love the Brazuca I won from DomainGang. It’s like we are brothers.

  5. George Hong says:

    Thanks Joe, Italia is one of my favorite teams as well. I hope they will do much better in the next world cup.

  6. George Hong says:

    Thanks Fizz and Gary. Let’s look forward to the next contest from DomainGang. 🙂

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