Winter Olympian Rick Latona: Why I rode a bicycle from Atlanta to Vancouver

Rick Latona arrives in Vancouver, Canada on time for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Rick Latona has just delivered the Olympic Torch, having cycled thousands of miles all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to Vancouver, Canada (eh).

Here’s what he had to say, soon after:

“As I am sitting next to a nice camp fire drinking hot cocoa, lit with the flame from the Olympic Torch, I can’t but recall the almost two weeks of cold, sleet, rain, snow and 0.45 bullets that David and I had to dodge.

But finally, we are here in Vancouver, Canada for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

I wish I could tell you domainers that all we did was fun and games, but it was a real bitch keeping the Olympic Torch going while on our bikes. As an avid smoker, I had to light up quite often, so that was a plus.

But man, that snowmageddon unleashed upon us was a real bitch. Next time, we won’t do it in February but the Olympic Committee could not wait. We had to deliver the Olympic Torch for the Games to begin.

So now please  sponsor my climb by donating to the school. Even if you don’t sponsor me, sponsor someone else. Just pull out your wallet and do it. It’s for a great cause. Small amounts are fine. We’ll take whatever you can afford.

And I need several new pairs of underwear because all this damn friction from cycling ruined it!”

The 2010 Winter Olympics are officially starting today and if it weren’t for the delivery of the Olympic Torch by Rick Latona, Canadians and other fans of the Olympic sports around the world would have waited for a FedEx delivery – safer, but less glamorous.

Let the games begin!

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2 Responses to “Winter Olympian Rick Latona: Why I rode a bicycle from Atlanta to Vancouver”
  1. BullS says:

    snowmageddon in Vancouver? They wish. It is 50F and raining and no sign of snow.

    They even have to cancel the downhill skiing. Too bad they just cannot move the games to Lake Placid.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Regardless, apparently Rick now has some killer calves 😀

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