While the newly launched .XXX TLD has taken the world news by storm, the combination of three consecutive “X” letters does not denote adult content, necessarily.
One has to think beyond the Internet and its inherit thirst for pornography in order to realize that “XXX” stands for many other things!
For example, XXX stands for the number 30 in Roman numerals.
Astonishingly, next summer the XXXth Olympiad will take place in London, UK!
As the International Olympic Committee is known to be very protective of its marks, the domains Olympics.xxx and even Olympia.xxx (a common Greek female name and geodomain) are both reserved.
Three X letters together denote “extra strength” or “potency”, particularly with beverages or other products – including of course, pornography.
In lower case, “xxx” stands for “kisses” in a letter or electronic form. Next time you “xxx” your mom she knows you’re just trying to show her your love. 😀
“xXx” is also the name of a popular movie with Vin Diesel.
But there ares many more uses – view them on the Wikipedia resource for “XXX” 😀
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What percentage of .xxx websites do you think will NOT be adult related?
Jeff – A lot! Domainers are known to register every damn word in the dictionary!