Shocker: Domain trading to become illegal in China

peoples-internetIt’s no secret that the Chinese government has absolute power over its people; the 1.3 billion Chinese enjoy “freedom” exactly as it’s filtered through the bureaucrats of Beijing.

Despite recent flourishing in the domain market, China’s economy is dependent on construction and manufacturing, along with the processing of toxic materials from billions of recycled Apple products.

The upcoming plan to ban, block and persecute domain and software app trading in China, along with software development comes as no surprise to many Western financial analysts.

“Minds young Chinese, corrupt, foreign standard and must produce factory output for future,” said Xiang Ni Ma, an official from the Youth Office of President Affairs in Beijing.

“For prosper and international trade, auto moto and Apple computer, install less software and no need domain name, punish if you do,” added Xiang Ni Ma.

The change of heart regarding domain names and software development in China will most likely affect the proliferation of short, numeric domains in popular marketplaces; in recent months, Chinese domainers bought and resold 135,000 domain names, using them as coinage for food and entertainment.

In the United States, we should consider ourselves lucky that communism never made it through.

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