e.co and Chatroulette.co – Which one is more valuable?

Most likely you’re aware of the upcoming auction for e.co – the single letter, ccTLD auctioned off through Sedo on June 7th.

But how does it measure against a domain that has suddenly become the traffic magnet, at least for exhibitionists around the world?

Chatroulette.com might have been losing some of its original steam, mostly as it has become the jerk-off paradise for thousands of testosterone-laden individuals but also as there has been no real monetization of its ample traffic by the creator, a Russian teenager who refused to sell it for $1 million dollars.

Once the .co TLD opens its gates to the general public, one has to wonder who will be able to grab the most obvious typo of all: Chatroulette.co

Sure, e.co has six figure potential according to a poll at TheDomains – but could Chatroulette.co exceed even that?

Most important, how would the registrant of Chatroulette.co monetize it, when CamRoulette.comanother drama-laden web site – is nothing more than a paid pornography web site?

In case you wondered what some people think of paid pornography, just watch the video below 😀

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