Well folks, as many of you might know, I live in Florida. It’s the summer. Summer in Florida means one thing: hitting the beaches.
So where was I? Ah yes, I was at the beach.
I know TRAFFIC Vancouver is ongoing and that the E.co auction is underway with a high bid of $24,000 currently. But I’m sure you already know that so no need to give you regurgitated news, like 99% of other domain blogs do.
About sun protection: Even though I am not fair-skinned I wear sunscreen with an SPF 50 and I recommend that everyone else does. Gone are the days of being ok with an SPF 8 protection. But let me tell you what SPF means.
It’s an artificial sun protection factor and it depends on the type of your skin.
In other words: if you burn in 10 minutes of exposure to the Big Star’s rays, with an SPF 10 you will last for 100 minutes (x10 as much).
Theoretically, with an SPF 50 you’d burn in 500 minutes but don’t be so sure. So apply often and after each dip in the sea, the ocean, or the pool. You can read more about SPF at the Sunscreen entry of Wikipedia.
Be careful as melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer, affecting even people with natural high levels of melanin e.g. Black people.
Surf’s up!
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Art those Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends in the photo above?
Nice view ! Wish I was in Florida.
No riveting expose of the scandal behind spf50.com?
the bid is too high, no one really knows how .CO will be rated…. extremely imprudent