Sedo behind huge bonus for German team

Sedo behind huge bonus for German team.

World Cup 2010 quarter-finals are ending today with two games, one of which is Argentina against  Germany.

The German soccer machine is stronger than ever, having mowed their opponents in every match. Argentina is also very strong, what with coach being Diego Maradona – the deliverer of the infamous “hand of God”.

Not only is the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, present at the game – which Germany is currently winning – but the Sedo general manager in Germany, Tomas Mueller is watching the game with select members of the Sedo team as well.

That might explain a recent drop in timely responses by Sedo personnel to transactions; but worry not, once the World Cup fever is over and the vuvuzelas are silenced, the Sedo staff will be returning full-force to manage your transactions. 😀

Meanwhile, Sedo is about to announce a truly huge bonus that will be presented to the German team, if they win the World Cup in South Africa. The prize includes cash, free passes to all Sedo-sponsored events and a special re-dressing of the Sedo web site with the members of the German soccer team used as content guides.

Sedo redesigned their web site a while back and as things became more complex, we released a visual guide to the Sedo interface; this time around, Sedo themselves will be creating the same guide, using the highly popular German soccer players.


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3 Responses to “Sedo behind huge bonus for German team”
  1. James says:

    What a game! Germany completely ruined Argentina. I’m sure the Sedo bonus to the German team will be humongous 😀

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    James – The score was 1 – 0 for Germany when we posted this article.

    The Sedo staff will be getting a great applaud for their investment since Germany crushed Argentina with four goals!

  3. BullS says:

    4-0— pretty bad but I still love Argentina Beef.

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