Stolen domains:,,

The domain names,, and have one thing or two in common.

For starters, all 3 domains are registered at Network Solutions, using WHOIS privacy. They are premium and aged, as they were registered in the mid 1990s.

One more thing in common is that they have been reported as stolen, by two reputable domain investors who were approached for an acquisition.

While deals do exist to acquire domains for less than the going average price, there are certain indications in such offerings that can trigger suspicion; in this case all 3 domain names are stolen.

In recent months, they have been offered on various marketplaces and in private. is in a live auction at Sedo, currently, and Sedo has been notified.

Stolen domain names are often peddled to investors privately and in this case the thief suggested that sales would take place using the Network Solutions certified offer service. Its quite possible that this indicates there are no verification of ownership for the seller, other than the fact that the domain is in their Network Solutions account, to provide them with the funds of the illicit sale. We’ll be reaching out to NetSol for advice on the matter.

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2 Responses to “Stolen domains:,,”
  1. Michael says:

    Thanks for the heads up.

    I asked Sedo about some days ago because it was at NetSol, unlocked, and the seller was quite new, but was told their compliance didn’t find it suspicious. That is a bit worrying.

  2. BullS says:

    we should sue the registrars for not safe guarding our assets. it is like the Banks getting robbed but our money is guaranteed

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